Personal Reflections



I don't long to be great as a person because I am arrogant.  I want to be great as a human being because it is within us and part of our design to be great. Written November 20, 2022  Awake my...

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One Week

One Week

I recently watched a movie I really enjoyed called One Week (2008).  I enjoy movies that make me reflect.  The film is Canadian.  The short and sweet of the plot is about a young teacher living in...

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Dreams & Goals – Emptying the Monkey Mind

Dreams & Goals – Emptying the Monkey Mind

A few weeks ago, I had an unusual sense about my mood and attitude.  I was actually what I would refer to as half-happy.  Which I understand is a weird thing to say.  Happiness has never been part...

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The Perils of Good on the Road to Greatness

The Perils of Good on the Road to Greatness

Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In the pursuit of success, the concept that "good is the enemy of great" has been a guiding principle for many individuals and organizations. Coined by...

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I’m tired.  I can’t see my way forward [in this life] but I realize that there is nowhere else to go but forward.  And I am not afraid of moving forward.  But I feel like I am on a highway, and I...

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At some point in early 2016 I thought about the word “happiness”.  Happiness has never really been part of my vocabulary.  It was a word that makes me feel rather uncomfortable.  I don’t want to say...

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One Full Year in Belize and 2022 in Review

One Full Year in Belize and 2022 in Review

I crossed into Belize on November 23rd, 2021 and I arrived at my home on November 25th, 2021 after spending just over two years biking just over 26,000 km’s to get here.  The original plan was to...

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Awake my heart. Awake my soul.

Awake my heart. Awake my soul.

I think about things deeply.  Far more deeply than I care to or want to.  This forces me to bury most of my life so that I hopefully forget.  And usually, it works.  I forget, but the soul never...

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Turning 50

Turning 50

On May 18th,2023 I turned 50.  I guess that only happens once in a lifetime (along with every birthday).  Some days I feel like I am 20, some days I feel like I am 50 and some days I feel like I am...

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What would my older self say to me today

What would my older self say to me today

When I first heard about this exercise, I thought that there might be some important insight I could glean from “my older self”.  But when I took a moment to consider the answer.  To consider where...

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A new dream. A new goal

A new dream. A new goal

Bear with me as I fumble through this new dream and goal of mine.  Most people when they look at their bed, they see a bed.  I actually don’t sleep in a bed.  I sleep in a hammock.  But that is...

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When it all made sense

When it all made sense

When it all made sense is sort of a goofy title for this blog post because in many ways I don’t know if my life has made any sense to me.  Every day of my public school and high school life I was...

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This morning was a rough morning.  I attempted to write out what going on inside my head. I am paralyzed by indecision not so much by fear but from lack of purpose, passion and conviction.  There is...

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No Excuses

No Excuses

I don’t know what this post is going to look like.  I am going to “follow the wild goose” which is a term I heard about a long time ago referring to a term the ancient Celts had for the Holy...

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It's the thought of interacting and meeting the hundreds of people that for one reason or another will cross my path in my remaining time on this planet that will ultimately reveal their true colors...

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I don’t care anymore

I don’t care anymore

I know, an extreme statement and what don’t I care about anymore?  What I don’t care about anymore is my life here in Belize.  I know that sounds very extreme given everything I have worked for. ...

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Some days I feel so old (and really lazy)

Some days I feel so old (and really lazy)

When I look in the mirror I can't tell if I am old.  I don't look old.  Anyone would tell you that I look very young for my age.  Some days I feel like I am in my 20's. But most nights when I go to...

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The standard pace is for chumps I have huge challenges ahead of me which will make my life interesting for sure.  But I have no expression of ambition in my life and it's crippling me.  Beyond...

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26,000 km’s later and I am still me

26,000 km’s later and I am still me

26,000 km's through a Canadian winter, through Covid-19 across Canada, down the USA and across Mexico still during Covid-19 and I am still me. I figured if I bike toured through a Canadian winter a...

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The elephant in my room

The elephant in my room

A while back, I believe sometime in 2016 I realized that I was not a very happy person and that I was a very lonely person.  And for the first time I actually questioned that and asked myself if...

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The elephant in my room

I don’t trust anyone

I was bullied almost everyday of my life from grade 1 to grade 12.  I was even bullied when I was 37 years old (but that's another story).  I am not entirely sure if there is a connection between...

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The elephant in my room

A new category of blog post – My Life

My aunt tried calling me a few days before my birthday but I was unable to take the call at that moment.  I know one of her first questions would be how is it going.  For most people I interact with...

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Mexico – My Truth

Mexico – My Truth

Entering Mexico I was warned many times that my life was at risk.  I really wasn’t sure what to expect.  Logic dictated that cities that border the US must be the more dangerous cities in Mexico...

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How to actually reach your dreams

How to actually reach your dreams

How to actually reach your dreams.  If I had a dollar for every time someone said “someday” I would be independently wealthy.  Do you ever notice that most people don’t actually reach or live their...

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Emptying the Monkey Mind

Emptying the Monkey Mind

I have no idea what I am typing or how to go about or layout what is about to be typed.  I have listened to many business and lifestyle advice type podcasts and often heard about the exercise of...

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Homelessness in North America

Homelessness in North America

A blog post about homelessness.  Yup that’s right.  So you might want to skip this post. I use to go to a church that had a purge Sunday.  They intentionally tried to get people to leave the church...

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2020 in Review

2020 in Review

If I had to explain or describe 2020 in one word, I think it would be “WOW!!!???”  With a few exclamation and question marks.  I think it’s safe to say this year did not go as planned for anybody....

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Oh Canada – What a story!!!

Oh Canada – What a story!!!

The genesis of this ride In 2011 I did a 6,500 km bike ride through all of western and northern Canada.  Simply check out the map for reference.  This ride would ultimately be one of the greatest...

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Social Media

Social Media

It failed so can we please stop posting crap?  If the world does not already realize the following [examples] then I promise your memes haven’t changed a thing. Every Canadian already knows that...

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Some of my favourite movie quotes

Some of my favourite movie quotes

This just a blog post of some of my favourite movie quotes Now play the game.  Your game.  The one only you was meant to play.  The one that was given to you when you came into this world.  - The...

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Moving Forward – Comments

Moving Forward – Comments

I recently wrote a blog post called Moving Forward.  The post was in response to an unexpected situation in my life.  Rather then give a summary I will simply put the link to that post HERE. The...

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Moving Forward

Moving Forward

So I woke up to an email this morning.  A person who shall remain nameless who over the last few months had become somewhat of a mentor of mine and I thought was my very good friend basically total...

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Your bike ride inspired me

Your bike ride inspired me

I get that messaged or told to me a lot.  But most people don’t really elaborate beyond that phrase?  Inspired you in what way?  How does it inspire you?  What in your life is now different?  What...

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Surviving Covid-19

Surviving Covid-19

I hate talking about Covid-19.  Everyone and their mother posts 14 things a day about the virus.  The last thing the world needs is another article posted about this virus.  I wanted to avoid the...

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What Runs Through Your Mind?

What Runs Through Your Mind?

A question was posted on my personal Facebook Timeline.  It was an interesting question and had some nice responses to my response that I was hoping to save in the form of a blog post and not get...

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2019 in Review

2019 in Review

I don't even know where to start with this year.  I don't think I could make up half of it if I tried. 2017 and 2018 were the happiest two years of my life and then 2019 happened.  In 2017 and 2018...

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Why am I out there?

Why am I out there?

Pain is temporary quitting lasts forever - Lance Armstrong (Not that I am a fan) This post serves two purposes.  First, it is simple the 14th blog post for your reading pleasure; assuming that you...

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The god of success

The god of success

It's no fun learning something new about yourself and then realizing that what you have discovered is a pretty big issue.  I discovered and realized today that I worship the god of success. I don't...

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