The Forgotten Middle: Why You Don’t Get Remembered and How to Change That
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In the hustle and bustle of life, the middle ground often goes unnoticed. Whether in personal achievements or professional endeavors, being in the...
Cane Toad
Cane toad - Rhinella marina Wikipedia page - A common toad around the house. Native to Belize this toad has been introduced all over the world with...
The Power of a Smile: The Importance of Remembering to Smile
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to forget the simple yet profound act of smiling. Beyond being a mere expression of joy, a smile...
The Power of Exceeding Expectations: Why It’s Always Better to Over-Provide Than Under-Provide
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In a world driven by expectations, the choice between over-providing and under-providing is a critical one, with far-reaching implications. This post...
Checking In – April 30, 2023
2022 was a really tough year for me. It would be my first full year living in Belize after taking two years to bike here from Canada. Arriving here in Belize I would end up facing challenges that...
White Lipped Mud Turtle
White Lipped mud turtle - Kinosternon leucostomum Wikipedia page - I have ever only found 2 White Lipped mud turtles in all of my time in...
Central American Bark Scorpion
Central American Bark Scorpion - Centruroides gracilis Wikipedia Page - These guys are fairly common underneath my house and I typically find one...
Mexican Masked Tree Frog
Mexican Masked Tree Frog - Smilisca baudinii Wikipedia page - Mexican Masked tree frogs are easily the most common tree frog I find around...
Breadfruit Tree
Wikipedia Page - I have a breadfruit tree in my front yard. The tree bark is quite beautiful. The "fruit" tastes like french fries when fried in the frying...
Pepper Tree Frog
Also known as the Pepper Tree Frog - Phrynopyas venulosa Wikipedia page - Probably the second most common tree frog found around the house. When...
Speckled Racer Snake
Speckled Racer - Drymobius margaritiferus Wikipedia page - Speckled Racer snakes are actually fairly common but generally difficult to catch,...
Gulf Coast Toad
Gulf Coast Toad - Bufo valliceps Wikipedia page - A very common toad around the farm Click on image to enlarge More...
What would my older self say to me today
When I first heard about this exercise, I thought that there might be some important insight I could glean from “my older self”. But when I took a moment to consider the answer. To consider where...
Gaudy Sphinx Caterpillar
Gaudy Sphinx caterpillar - Eumorpha labruscae Wikipedia page - Click on image to enlarge. Photo of the moth is a random of the internet. [gallery...
A new dream. A new goal
Bear with me as I fumble through this new dream and goal of mine. Most people when they look at their bed, they see a bed. I actually don’t sleep in a bed. I sleep in a hammock. But that is...
When it all made sense
When it all made sense is sort of a goofy title for this blog post because in many ways I don’t know if my life has made any sense to me. Every day of my public school and high school life I was...
Red Earth Centipede Snake
Red Earth Centipede Snake - Tantillita schistosa Wikipedia page - I never heard of this type of snake until I found this one. Click on image to enlarge...
This morning was a rough morning. I attempted to write out what going on inside my head. I am paralyzed by indecision not so much by fear but from lack of purpose, passion and conviction. There is...
When you look upon my heart
Do you see what I see. I look at you. You look at me How does it feel to see the pieces slip between my fingers To see all those memories slowly sink into the depths below I wanted life I got pain...
Lo Moth or Peacock Caterpillar
Lo Moth - Automeris io Wikipedia Page - All I know about this species is that is the stinging spines have a very painful venom. Thankfully I don't speak...
No Excuses
I don’t know what this post is going to look like. I am going to “follow the wild goose” which is a term I heard about a long time ago referring to a term the ancient Celts had for the Holy...
Click Beetle
Wikipedia Page - A fairly common beetle on the farm. Locally known as cookeye, dry weather cricket or pine wally. Other Belizean Creatures Mexican...
It's the thought of interacting and meeting the hundreds of people that for one reason or another will cross my path in my remaining time on this planet that will ultimately reveal their true colors...
Opsiphanes tamarindi Caterpillar
Wikipedia page - I only have ever seen this caterpillar once that I know of. More Belizean Creatures Green-headed Tree Snake Pepper Tree Frog
Boa Constrictor
Wikipedia Page - Local Name - Wowla On previous trips to Belize I rarely came across Boa Constrictors. I now find them quite regularly. I suggest...
I don’t care anymore
I know, an extreme statement and what don’t I care about anymore? What I don’t care about anymore is my life here in Belize. I know that sounds very extreme given everything I have worked for. ...
Belize Part 18 (March 13 to 20)
March 13 Life in the jungle: Considering how hot yesterday morning was I didn't not see this morning’s weather coming. This morning was cool and overcast. I started the morning chopping in the...
Some days I feel so old (and really lazy)
When I look in the mirror I can't tell if I am old. I don't look old. Anyone would tell you that I look very young for my age. Some days I feel like I am in my 20's. But most nights when I go to...
Better Questions and Reflections to Live By – Part 17
Better questions and reflections to live by - Part 17 Over the years in truck I got into listening to podcasts. First a few a week and then depending on the day sometimes listening to podcasts 6-7...
Belize Part 17 (March 5 to 12)
March 5 Life in the jungle: I started my morning chopped the river lot behind my house. Then I went to the hardware store for a final load of 1x4 lumber for the cabbage wood project. I discovered...
The standard pace is for chumps I have huge challenges ahead of me which will make my life interesting for sure. But I have no expression of ambition in my life and it's crippling me. Beyond...
I should have told you
Last night I dreamt about you You were still as pretty as all those years ago I should have told you long ago Your long dark hair Your quirky personality Your pretty smile I will never forget your...
Belize Part 16 (Feb 19 to March 4)
February 19 Life in the jungle: I slept in until 7 am. I spent a few hours working at the ponds. After breakfast I weed wacked some areas around the house that were getting overdue. I came across...
Belize Part 15 (Feb 12 to 18)
February 12 Life in the jungle: On my way to chopping at the ponds I saw my first deer in Belize and then I saw an agouti. I spent a good part of my afternoon with my chainsaw. I cut down pretty...
26,000 km’s later and I am still me
26,000 km's through a Canadian winter, through Covid-19 across Canada, down the USA and across Mexico still during Covid-19 and I am still me. I figured if I bike toured through a Canadian winter a...
Belize Part 14 (Feb 4 to 11)
February 4 Life in the jungle: After doing a laundry first thing Heath and I biked 20 km's to Rancho Delores to visit the farm Nery has worked at for the last 20 years. They grow like 9 types of...
Belize Part 13 (Jan 26 to Feb 3)
January 26 Life in the jungle: With Nery coming this afternoon to look at my fencing project my priority was cleaning my last fence line on my home property that runs along the road. I got a good...
The elephant in my room
A while back, I believe sometime in 2016 I realized that I was not a very happy person and that I was a very lonely person. And for the first time I actually questioned that and asked myself if...
Belize Part 12 (Jan 21 to 25)
January 21 Life in the jungle: I started my morning continuing and hoping to finish digging my waterline trench. I did get a pleasant surprise when I dug up a Mexican Burrowing Narrow-mouthed toad....
Belize Part 11 (Jan 15 to 20)
January 15 Life in the jungle: I was pretty productive most of the day. I went into the bush and checked and found along my one property line for on old PVC pipe waterline and an electric wire that...
Belize Part 10 (Jan 9 to 14)
January 9 Life in the jungle: Because of how rough our road is getting, Derrick had to walk down our road. Derrick came to install the plycem (plywood/cement mix wall boards) on my basement storage...
I don’t trust anyone
I was bullied almost everyday of my life from grade 1 to grade 12. I was even bullied when I was 37 years old (but that's another story). I am not entirely sure if there is a connection between...
Empty words on a piece of paper
All those emotions stirring my heart Bursting at the seems Needing a place of their own Words coming together in beautiful transformation Cause my heart to sing for joy Expressing my deepest love...
I am so alone that I can’t make sense of anything
And I suspect that writing is my outlet and my perspective. This statement of being alone is not an emotional statement about loneliness but more of a statement of fact. Since arriving in Belize I...
A new category of blog post – My Life
My aunt tried calling me a few days before my birthday but I was unable to take the call at that moment. I know one of her first questions would be how is it going. For most people I interact with...
Unveiling the Unexplored: Why, When Considering All Your Options, Remember You Haven’t
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom Life is a series of choices, and decision-making is an ongoing process. Just when you think you've carefully considered all your options, it's...
Yucatan Banded Gecko
Wikipedia Page - I have only ever seen one of these under my house in my tool room. I suspect that they are not that rare but hard to find. I...
Golden Shower Tree
Wikipedia Page - I first seen this tree all over Belmopan Click on image to enlarge More...
Alope Sphinx Caterpillar
Wikipedia Page - Click on image to enlarge More Belizean Creatures Yucatan Banded Gecko Boa...
House Gecko
Wikipedia Page - An evasive species, they are found everywhere around my house and everyone's house. More Belizean Creatures Boa Constrictor Golden...
Cashew Tree
Wikipedia Page - I have one cashew tree in my front yard that produces cashews. In 2022 I planted about 25 baby seedlings from that years harvest. I like the...
Unlocking a Source of Happiness: Why a Satisfied Life Trumps Success
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In a world where success is often defined by external metrics and societal expectations, it's crucial to pause and reflect on what truly brings...
Unlocking a Path: Embracing Spock’s Wisdom on ‘Your First Best Destiny
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In the vast universe of life choices and personal fulfillment, Spock's quote, "Your first best destiny. Anything else is a waste," encapsulates a...
Belize Part 9 (Jan 3 to 8)
January 3 Life in the jungle: Last night Derrick said he was planning to come down and help replace 4 rotted/termite infested pieces plywood in my crawl space with plycem. Good call on Jack for...
Belize Part 8 (Dec 30 to Jan 2)
December 30 Life in the jungle: I went to the city this morning. It was a hectic day and I did not escape my daily portion of grief. First stop to the bank, and then to DigiCell. This is my third...
Belize Part 7 (Dec 26 to 29)
December 26 Life in the jungle: I am still sick. This sucks, I can’t even remember the last time I was sick longer than a day. I have too much to do and no energy. I had some noodle soup for...
Belize Part 6 (Dec 20 to 25)
December 20 Life in the jungle: I slept in and then spent the morning finishing my housework and packing some supplies to exit the house until the 24th for some Airbnb guests from Holland that...
Belize Part 5 (Dec 10 to 19)
December 10 Life in the jungle: I went to bed late last night but I am now setting my alarm for 5:30 am. I have too much work to do and am only too eager to get the day started. I started my...
So whats going on in Belize?
So it's been almost 3 months since I arrived at my home in Belize after a little bit more than 2 years of biking across Canada and down through the USA and Mexico. More or less only accomplishing...
Belize Part 4 (Dec 5 to 9)
December 5 Life in the jungle: This morning I got 100% of my coconut field cleaned except for a few small/medium trees that I need a chainsaw for. The next job is to start cleaning the far [new]...
The Power of Simplicity: Unveiling the Profound Importance of Keeping It Simple
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In a world marked by constant complexity and information overload, the value of simplicity cannot be overstated. Whether in communication, design, or...
Belize Part 3 (Dec 1 to 4)
December 1 Life in the jungle: I started my morning chopping the coconut field as usual. I got a lot of trees de-vined. I seen the black tail of large snake in some vegetation. At first, I...
Belize Part 2 (Nov 27 to 30)
On November 25th I arrived home after biking for over 2 years on the road to get here. November 27 Life in the jungle: Perfect weather today. I got an early start and started de-vining my coconut...
Belize Part 1 (Nov 23 to 26)
I have just spent the last 8 days at a hostel in Chetumal and am prepared to leave and enter Belize. November 23 Destination - Buena Vista Km’s pedalled - 55 km’s (14 km’s Mexico/ 41 km’s Belize)...
Unleashing Greatness: The Art of Doing Epic Shit and How It Transforms Your Life
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In a world filled with routines and the ordinary, there's a call to break free from the mundane and embark on a journey of doing epic shit. This post...
Dead Leaf Praying Mantis
Wikipedia Page - I have only ever seen one of these. It was super tiny small and very difficult to get good photos of. Click on image to enlarge...
Better Questions and Reflections to Live By – Part 16
Better questions and reflections to live by - Part 16 Over the years in truck I got into listening to podcasts. First a few a week and then depending on the day sometimes listening to podcasts 6-7...
Verna Mae Lodge
My most favorite Belizean. Verna Mae was waiting for me when I arrived at my village of Scotland Halfmoon. This would be my celebration of biking over 26,000 km's over the last 2 years.
Alexander Bul & his uncle
Alexander from Buena Vista came up to me and just started talking to me while I was fixing a flat tire. He let me camp in his uncles yard. The next day he showed me around his families farm.
Chetumal Mexico (Nov 16 to 22)
I arrived and completed my Mexican bike route (6,200 km’s) in Chetumal on November 15 November 16 Some Notes - I was in front of my computer all day. All my latest photos are organized and edited. ...
I just have to say thank you! – Appreciation post
I make every effort to read every comment posted to Facebook and to either respond or “like” every comment. From the beginning I have kept a record of my favorite comments/messages as I don’t wish...
My Mexican Bike Tour Summary (June 9 to Nov 15)
Mexico was such an experience that I could never have anticipated that I don’t even nowhere to start. As you can imagine I received many warnings of danger, death and doom as I was about to enter...
Campeche State (Nov 10 to 15)
November 10 Km’s Pedalled - 116 km’s Destination - Nuevo Progreso Some Notes - I set my alarm for 6 am again last night but I am still tired this morning. My foot is almost better. My arm and hand...
Tabasco State (Nov 7 to 9)
Yesterday afternoon I was coaxed off the road for some beers by some locals. Read about that HERE November 7 Km’s Pedalled - 120 km’s Destination - Jáltipan de Morelos Some Notes - I did not sleep...
Veracruz State (Nov 1 to 6)
On October 30th I arrived in Cordoba in the Mexican state of Veracruz November 1 Some Notes - I found my afternoon fairly unproductive thanks to a computer issue which is about as frustrating as it...
Gary Kike and the boys
Biking down the highway towards Xpujil I ran into a bunch of motorcyclists. A photo lead to some beers which lead to a place to set my tent up for the night. I originally thought I was camping in...
Cico Gambo & his brother
In Linda Vista I was coaxed off the road by locals for a beer. It didn’t take long for me to lose count of the number of beers that I ended up having. Good thing the owner of the bar said I could...
Luis Antonio
On November 4th Luis Antonio pulled his vehicle over. His English was probably the best English that I had heard in Mexico thanks to his 20 some odd years in the US. He noticed my Canadian flag...
How to document your bike tour or adventure
This post was originally written and posted in November 2021 and last updated in November 2023. Most everyone documents an adventure in some way for different reasons. Some people document for...
Puebla State (Oct 28 to 31)
October 28 Km’s Pedalled - 66 km’s Destination - Tecamachalco Some Notes - I don’t like it here very much. The (old) guy that has the sleeping bunk below me snores, coughs, moans and farts (loudly)...
Puebla City (Oct 25 to 27)
I have left Mexico City and have just entered the State of Puebla and today I enter the city of Puebla October 25 Km’s Pedalled - 57 km’s Destination - Puebla City Some Notes - I slept a million...
Mexico City Part 2 (Oct 20 to 24)
I arrived in Mexico City October 12th. October 20 Some Notes - I started my day visiting the Palacio de Bellas Artes Museum. At first it didn’t occur to me to visit here but then I realized that...
Mexico City (Oct 14 to 19)
On October 12th I entered Mexico City by bike. October 15 Km’s Pedalled - 33.5 km’s Some Notes - Today was pretty much a right off. I left my host this morning. For the first time my host...
Mexico State & City (Oct 8 to 13)
October 8 Km’s Pedalled - 75 km’s Destination - Ixtlahuaca Some Notes - Another long day. The day started with highway biking until I missed my turn and I had to bike 7 km’s to get back on track....
Guanajuato State – Part 3 (Oct 3 to 7)
On October 2nd in the late afternoon I had arrived to the city of Santiago de Querétaro and checked myself into the Blue Bicycle Hostel. October 3 Some Notes - I combined my morning with drying out...
Eduardo Cervantes
Eduardo was a lucky host for me from Ixtlahuaca near the pyramids in San Juan Teotihuacan which I had planned to visit before arriving in Mexico City. Eduardo became a host thanks to a chance...
Guanajuato State – Part 2 (Sept 28 to Oct 2)
September 28 Km’s Pedalled – 21 km’s Some Notes - I started my morning editing photos because I had a check in with the Healthy Way Vibes show this morning. The show went good as usual except just...
No Motivation?
Admittedly I am not very motivated to be bike touring right now. Before I go into detail let me first disclose that while this is a first time for me to be looking forward to ending my bike ride, I...
Guanajuato State – Part 1 (Sept 22 to 27)
September 22 Km’s Pedalled - 79.5 km’s Destination - 10 km’s from Lagos de Moreno Some Notes - I slept in until 11am. I am not sure how that happened. The day was perfect weather and the road was...
Mexico – My Truth
Entering Mexico I was warned many times that my life was at risk. I really wasn’t sure what to expect. Logic dictated that cities that border the US must be the more dangerous cities in Mexico...
Aguascalientes, Mexico (Sept 16 to 21)
September 16 Some Notes – Today was a day spent in front of my computer. I started the morning with a Road Show with Brandon and then we did an extended show- The Safari Arie Experience to discuss...
Mario Fernando A Garcia
While in Vicente Guerrero I was messaged by someone interested in hosting me in Aguascalientes. The next day I received a message from Mario about hosting me in the same city. I replied to Mario...
The State of Zacatecas – Part 3 (Sept 11 to 15)
September 11 Km’s Pedalled - 23 km’s Some Notes – I started my morning meeting with Elton Guillen. Elton wanted to interview me for his YouTube channel. The interview went really well. He did a...
Iohan Gueorguiev
On September 17th I woke up to a message from my Aunt Henny that Iohan Gueorguiev was dead. Iohan was the bike tourer/bikepacker that inspired me that biking through a Canadian winter was...
The State of Zacatecas – Part 2 (Sept 6 to 10)
September 6 Km’s Pedalled - 71.5 km’s Destination - Fresnillo Some Notes - This morning I received an email from Belize. Let’s just say that it’s not good and my bike ride may very well be in...
Paty De Anda
Through a random stop at a Fresnillo bike shop called Rocha bike shop I was found a host upon my arrival in Zacatecas. Paty would be able to offer me an empty lower floor apartment. There was so...
Is my bike ride in jeopardy?
Is my bike ride in jeopardy? In a single word – yes. And my mind is so full of chaos that I need to unload everything about my current situation on paper/computer and the trick will be whether or...
La Leyenda Restaurant
While in Zacatecas I met another cyclist named Elton. You can read about our meeting HERE. We would find ourselves at a restaurant called La Leyenda. The restaurant was filled with trinkets and...
Zeek GPS
Thanks to my host in Torreon Ricardo Mendoza I had a chance meeting with the Manuel Zeek the owner of Zeek GPS. We hit it off pretty good and he was willing to help my bike ride by providing me...