I am spending about 60 days in Las Vegas to work on assorted content and audience building projects.  If you are interested in building audiences and that sort of thing I encourage you to follow my series called 60 Days in Las Vegas.  You can find Part 1 HERE and Part 2 HERE and Part 3 HERE and Part 4 HERE and Part 5 HERE and Part 6 HERE and Part 7 HERE and Part 8 HERE.

March 10
Some notes – I wrote a blog post on the Cottonwood trees.  On Medium I posted my Avenue of the Giants blog post and a photo essay about Seaton Lake BC.  I scheduled 60 Instagram posts through Hootsuite & Later.  Per Brandon’s request I sent more photos for our Belize video.  I updated my phone with Instagram hashtags (for use on the road).  I SEO’d my Bike Touring Alone blog post.  I worked and edited some of my 60 Days in Las Vegas posts by adding more specific content (such as blog post titles).

March 11
Some notes – I had a 2 hour video chat with Aidan and Matt regarding progress and plans for the new Safari Arie t-shirt line.  I am really excited about this.  The Plan your vacation to Belize video is done except for a small edit.  I researched and sent emails to a journalist via Adventure.com, Pebble magazine and Far Ride magazine.

March 12
Some notes – The Plan your vacation to Belize video and associated blog post was posted this morning.

I received a response from one of the magazines.  Hopefully in a few weeks they will get back to me.

I posted two posts to Medium – my Emotions of Gratitude short story and imported the poem Words.

I posted my What you don’t see blog post to 12 bike Facebook bike groups and I also posted my Ontario documentary video to 13 bike groups.

I SEO’d my Cyclist guide to Hwy 11 from Thunder Bay to Kenora blog post, A cyclist’s guide to Newfoundland blog post and my Come to Belize the greatest country in the world blog post.

I continued to work a little bit on my next sponsorship proposal.

March 13
Some notes – This morning I posted the Ontario YouTube video to 13 more bike groups and my Hoodoos video to 4 Canadian bike groups.

I worked on my audio notes for the future The Rockies to the Coast Mountains (Calgary to Victoria) documentary YouTube video and wrote a good portion of the Pacific Coast Highway audio notes for that documentary video whenever we get around to that one.

March 14
Some notes – On Medium I posted a Prairie rattlesnake photo essay, The randomness of it all short story and imported The Little Boy poem.

I also posted the Ontario video to 16 more Facebook bike groups along with the Joshua tree video to 14 bike groups.

Nothing substantial was accomplished this evening but I did work a little bit on my audio text for the Pacific Highway documentary video and I researched 6 more magazine possibilities that led to no leads or potential.

With the weekend push of YouTube videos to various Facebook groups I was able to acquire 12 new Subscribers, the Ontario video netted 114 more views, the Hoodoos video netted 40 more views and the Joshua tree video netted 18 more views.  And our new Belize video received 71 views.

March 15
Some notes – I worked on and completed the Prairie to Badlands audio notes and picked out and organized the photo selection for the video the whole day.  All I have to do is record the audio.

Usually, every 4 days I bike a few miles to a local coffee shop to treat myself with a coffee.  Today I only got half way and I had to return home to rinse my front bike wheel off.  They have been doing road work on the main road near me.  They had trenched a 4” strip for some purpose and filled the trench with cement.  The only thing was that I didn’t realize the cement was wet.  And when I attempted to navigate over the strip my front wheel went into the trench and was covered in wet cement.  So I had to turn around right away and head home to rinse a lot of wet cement off my wheel.

March 16
Some notes – Brandon finished and released our short video on Dinosaur Provincial Park.  This is our 60th video posted to YouTube.

On Medium I imported the poem – I don’t trust you and my blog post about Cottonwood trees and I posted the short story How does this compare to truck driving.

I was going to record the audio for The Prairies to Badlands but the Airbnb cleaners showed up creating a lot of noise.  So instead, I posted 7 blog posts.  Which is new record I have never posted 7 posts in my life.  Normally, I would never want to post more then 2 or 3 blog posts at the most.  But my plan is to not really advertise my 60 Days series as I see very limited interest in this topic given my audience.  It will simply be a resource for those who find it or ask for or inquire about how I went about growing my audience.  And I was way behind on posting my 60 Days in Las Vegas series.

I posted 60 Days in Las Vegas Part 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.  I also posted Las Vegas Nevada Red Rock Canyon Part (Feb 15 – 16).  And I posted the poem – How much strength must I have.  According to my notes I wrote it back in October.  I guess I misplaced it?

Posting blog posts can generally take some time depending on photos and backlinks being added.  My 60 Days in Las Vegas posts have very little photos but has tons of back links to all the blogs and videos posted.

I also finished writing 60 Days in Las Vegas Part 8.  And I finished Part 9 to this current date.

March 17
Some notes – Today I post the Prairie rattlesnake video to 14 Facebook groups.  At the time of posting the video had 93 views.  [10 days later the count was 139 views].

On Medium I posted the short story The evening that everything changed and I imported the poem I still morn the loss.

I wrote and posted a 1,400 word blog post called How to actually reach your dreams.  I am also finally doing a little research on Ontario and Canadian news media outlets.  Today did not feel like the most productive day.

A pretty big milestone

Today our YouTube channel is one year old.  At 60 videos divided by 12 months that is 5 videos posted per month.  With just under 290 Subscribers.  I am very pleased by our content and trying different styles.  But I would prefer to see our Subscriber count closer to 600.

March 18
Some Notes – Aidan & his partner Matt got some sample t-shirts printed.   Things continue to look good and move forward in this department.  I ended up spending the entire day researching “unboxing” experience in relation to online purchasing and sales.  Most of my notes will have to be discussed with Matt and Aidan.

Aidan my oldest nephew

But I can share links to various blog posts that I came across.

How to create a killer unboxing experience

How to create an innovative unboxing experience for your t-shirt business

34 cool & creative t-shirt packaging designs

What we can learn from the 7 best unboxing experiences

How to create a memorable and shareable unboxing experience for your brand

The ultimate shipping strategy cheat sheet

Product packaging.  How top brands delight customers with memorable unboxing experiences

Picking the right packaging for your brand

Choosing the best t-shirt packaging

4 tips for marketing your brand online

27 ideas for winning the unboxing war in 2019

I should also mention virtually every single day of the week I spend an hour or 2 commenting on Instagram posts to consistently build those Followers.  I generally do this during my TV breaks in the day.

60 Days in Las Vegas – Part 1

60 Days in Las Vegas – Part 2

60 Days in Las Vegas – Part 3

60 Days in Las Vegas – Part 4

60 Days in Las Vegas – Part 5

60 Days in Las Vegas – Part 6

60 Days in Las Vegas – Part 7

60 Days in Las Vegas – Part 8


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