Belize Part 63 (Jan 6 to 10)
January 6 Life in the jungle: I woke up in the middle of the night (early morning) and I never fell back to sleep. This morning I spent the whole morning lying in my hammock with my eyes closed. I...
Belize Part 62 (Dec 30 to Jan 5)
December 30 Life in the jungle: I started my morning finishing the framing for my screen-enclosed greenhouses. I wanted to get that job out of the way quickly, as 2x2s warp quickly in the sun. The...
Central American Cribo or Indigo Snake
Wikipedia Page - Latin Name - Drymarchon corais Local Name - Black-tail Black-tails are the most common snake found around the farm and on...
Belize Part 61 (Dec 23 to 29)
December 23 Life in the jungle: By going to bed early last night, I got an early start this morning. I had to plant pineapple (tops) at the ponds so I spent my morning chopping at the ponds. I was...
The Power of Naiveté: Turning Innocence into an Entrepreneurial Asset
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In a world that often values experience and expertise, the concept of naiveté might seem counterintuitive. However, embracing a certain level of...
Belize Part 60 (Dec 18 to 22)
December 18 Life in the jungle: Today is my Sabbath. I continue reading Walking with God by John Eldredge. Of course, I also took a nap. In the afternoon I was thinking about a question I wrote...
I can’t breathe My chest tightens My heart beats faster Why do I feel so alone inside? This feeling never leaves How am I to know that you are real? Days turn into weeks Weeks turn into years Why do...
Belize Part 59 (Dec 11 to 17)
December 11 Life in the jungle: Today is my Sabbath. I did take a walk to the river to check on the rising level. The level was actually perfect for pumping water as my vat was getting dangerously...
Belize Part 58 (Dec 4 to 10)
December 4 Life in the jungle: Today is my Sabbath and I do nothing but read. Somehow my morning dragged out and then I ended up cleaning the bathroom and then the kitchen. They do say cleanliness...
Belize Part 57 (Nov 30 to Dec 3)
November 30 Life in the jungle: Today was my second trip to the city this week. It was all about working on my Belize residency. The first thing was a tuberculosis test. I will have to go back...
Crafting Legends: Why If You’re Going to Have a Story, Have a Big Story
Written by Sophia Wisdom for Arie Hoogerbrugge In a world saturated with information and narratives, storytelling has become a powerful tool for capturing attention and leaving a lasting impression....
Belize Part 56 (Nov 25 to 29)
November 25 Life in the jungle: One year ago, today I arrived at my home in Belize from my two year bike ride. What a year from hell. You can read a condensed breakdown of my last year blog post...
There is an ocean inside my head
The waves crashing into my emotions They pound the desire right out of me The depths of eternity are without reach Feelings just below the deep waters of uncertainty Anger and sadness crash against...
Belize Part 55 (Nov 22 to 24)
On November 2nd Hurricane Lisa hit and I have been basically without power since then. Check Belize Blog posts #53 and #54 for more hurricane details. Sorry for lack of photos in this blog post....
Belize Part 54 (Nov 16 to 21)
On November 2nd Hurricane Lisa hit and I have been basically without power since then. Check Belize Blog post #53 for more hurricane details. November 16 Life in the jungle: The power shut off at...
Embracing the Challenge: It’s Hard to Do Hard Things and How to Overcome
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In the pursuit of personal and professional growth, we often encounter challenges that seem insurmountable. The journey of accomplishing difficult...
Belize Part 53 (Nov 8 to 15)
November 8 Life in the jungle: Today I was able to get half the coconut field clean of all hurricane debris. I finally pulled out the chainsaw to tackle larger branches and one big tree. There is...
Belize Part 52 (Nov 3 to 7)
November 3 Life in the jungle: I woke up at 6 AM and did a walk around. The yard is a complete disaster with many mature trees down. The river lot is basically decimated. Virtually every mature...
Belize Part 51 (Oct 29 to Nov 2)
October 29 Life in the jungle: I started my morning as usual chopping in the coconut field. I ended up disturbing a nest of large wasps. I never got stung but I had a wasp come at me. He buzzed...
Unlocking Success: The Power of Persistence and Grit
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In the journey towards success, one undeniable truth stands out – persistence is the single biggest indicator of triumph. Without a doubt, achieving...
Embracing Certainty: The Power of Saying No When in Doubt
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In a world filled with constant decision-making, doubt can often be a stumbling block on the path to success. As the saying goes, "Whenever there is...
Belize Part 50 (Oct 24 to 28)
October 24 Life in the jungle: I started my morning by basically sending my paralegal one last threat about producing my corporation papers and my deeds. The business registry office is open on...
I don't long to be great as a person because I am arrogant. I want to be great as a human being because it is within us and part of our design to be great. Written November 20, 2022 Awake my...
Belize Part 49 (Oct 16 to 23)
October 16 Life in the Jungle: I didn't sleep great last night. I woke up this morning determined to stick to a Sabbath habit I started last Sunday. I started reading The Divine Conspiracy by...
Belize Part 48 (Oct 9 to 15)
Sorry, almost no photos with this blog post. October 9 Life in the Jungle: It's Sunday (of course). I was all prepared to head to the ponds to chop. Over the last few months, I have struggled with...
Unlocking Personal Growth: Embrace the Daily Quest for Knowledge
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In the fast-paced cadence of our daily lives, a profound yet simple question holds the potential to shape our mindset and enhance our journey: "What...
I can only imagine
It's your smile The way the new day dawns You don't notice me watching, but I am watching Every detail, every expression A breath of fresh air, I miss nothing I thank God for the moment I feel my...
One Week
I recently watched a movie I really enjoyed called One Week (2008). I enjoy movies that make me reflect. The film is Canadian. The short and sweet of the plot is about a young teacher living in...
Embracing Rejection, A Daily Ritual for Resilience
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In the pursuit of our dreams and ambitions, rejection is an inevitable companion. Whether you're an aspiring writer, an entrepreneur pitching ideas, or...
Stauffer’s Tree Frog
Stauffer's Tree Frog - Scinax staufferi Wikipedia Page - A very small tree frog common around the house and sometimes find their way into houses. More...
Belize Part 47 (Oct 4 to 8)
October 4 Life in the Jungle: Waiting for a load of gravel to be delivered I planted seedlings in the coconut field. Saul from the village brought me a yard of gravel from the hardware store. He...
Belize Part 46 (Sept 30 to Oct 3)
September 30 Life in the Jungle: It's amazing how I was so exhausted to do anything yesterday but it took so long to fall asleep last night. I don't know what the temperature was last night but for...
Belize Part 45 (Sept 21 to 29)
September 21 Life in the Jungle: I finally finished the hen house pen. I let out the hen with the oldest chicks to make sure everything would work out well. And everything did. So tomorrow both...
Unlocking True Wisdom: The Power of Following Your Own Advice
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In the labyrinth of life's decisions and challenges, the concept of wisdom emerges as a guiding force. However, true wisdom isn't just about offering...
Dreams & Goals – Emptying the Monkey Mind
A few weeks ago, I had an unusual sense about my mood and attitude. I was actually what I would refer to as half-happy. Which I understand is a weird thing to say. Happiness has never been part...
The Power of Being Interested Rather Than Interesting
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In a world that often seems obsessed with self-promotion and the pursuit of being the center of attention, a shift in perspective can make a world of...
Embracing Resilience: The Wisdom of Winston Churchill’s Timeless Quote
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sofia Wisdom Winston Churchill once said, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts." These profound words encapsulate...
Embracing Habit: The Transformation from Novelty to Normalcy
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In the tapestry of our daily lives, habits weave the intricate patterns that shape our routines and define our identities. Often, we find ourselves...
Belize Part 44 (Sept 12 to 20)
September 12 Life in the jungle: Another sleepless night. But I didn't have the motivation or energy to get out of bed and be productive. I think tonight I just won't go to bed until I am sleepy. ...
Belize Part 43 (Sept 6 to 11)
Last week was a very stressful week dealing with Belize Immigration. That blog post link is at the bottom of this post. September 6 Life in the jungle: I slept in quite late this morning. It is...
Simplicity in Action: Breaking it All Down to Simple Processes
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In a world that often seems complex and overwhelming, there's an art to simplifying, and it begins with breaking things down into manageable steps....
Striped or Brown Basilisk
Striped or Brown Basilisk - Basiliscus vittatus Wikipedia Page - Brown basilisks are probably the most common lizard to be found. Babies are always...
The Perils of Good on the Road to Greatness
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In the pursuit of success, the concept that "good is the enemy of great" has been a guiding principle for many individuals and organizations. Coined by...
San Pedro Part 2 (Oct 12 – 14, 2023)
This is Part 2 of a recent holiday that I took when I went to San Pedro Town on Ambergris Caye. You can check out Part 1 if missed it HERE. October 12 Life in the jungle: I attended a 7 AM Catholic...
San Pedro – Part 1 (Oct 10 & 11, 2023)
After a grueling 5 months, finally finishing my greenhouse floor and about 9 months since my last vacation, I decided I had earned one. This vacation was a little different. I was determined to...
Belize Part 42 (Sept 2 to 5)
September 2 Life in the jungle: I slept like crap last night again. It rained all through the night and was still raining when I woke up. I didn't even bother bringing my city footwear, I was...
You Are What You Do, Not What You Say You’ll Do
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In a world filled with promises, commitments, and good intentions, the age-old saying, "You are what you do, not what you say you'll do," holds more...
Embracing Discipline: A Gateway to Unleashing Freedom in Your Life
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In a world that constantly bombards us with distractions and temptations, the concept of discipline often emerges as the guiding force that paves the...
Belize Part 41 (Aug 24 to Sept 1)
August 24 Life in the jungle: I woke up at 5 AM, with the stress of a rotting and costly house deck falling back asleep was not possible. [See photos in last blog post.] I started my morning...
Belize Part 40 (Aug 20 to 23)
August 20 Life in the jungle: Orlando and Joseph came this morning. We finished installing the door on the apartment and we put the roof on the front entrance of the greenhouse. [The door was...
Belize Part 39 (Aug 9 to 19)
August 9 Life in the jungle: Orlando and Joseph showed up this morning. We replaced the larger section of the house roof with the new zinc roofing that was delivered the other week. We got lucky...
I’m tired. I can’t see my way forward [in this life] but I realize that there is nowhere else to go but forward. And I am not afraid of moving forward. But I feel like I am on a highway, and I...
Releasing Success: The Power of Unrelenting Enthusiasm Every Day”
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom Welcome to a journey of boundless energy and unwavering passion! In a world that often tests our resilience, maintaining unrelenting enthusiasm every...
Belize Part 38 (Aug 1 to 8)
August 1 Life in the jungle: Over two months ago I got sick. This morning I had another cough attack. Everything is pretty wet outside. There is no point in working outside today. Everything...
Belize Part 37 (July 27 to 31)
July 27 Life in the jungle: In four days it will be two months ago that I got sick with a chronic cough and the coughing returned again last night. Another sleepless night. This morning I was up...
Huntsman Spider
Wikipedia Page - More Belizean Creatures Boa Constrictor Red Eye Tree Frog
Unraveling Shakespeare’s Timeless Wisdom: “Some Are Born Great, Some Achieve Greatness, and Some Have Greatness Thrust Upon Them.”
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom William Shakespeare, often hailed as the greatest playwright in the English language, left behind a treasure trove of wisdom that transcends time and...
Embracing Our Singular Moments: Grey Owl’s Timeless Message
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In the 1999 film "Grey Owl," there is a poignant line that transcends the confines of cinema and encapsulates a profound truth: "Everyone has a moment,...
Belize Part 36 (July 21 to 26)
July 21 Life in the jungle: Somehow my morning got away from me again! But it didn't help that I slept like crap last night either. I did wake up to a reply from the Labor Department regarding my...
Lizard eater or Dryad snake
Lizard Eater Snake (Dryadophis melanolomus) The Lizard Eater snake is a slender, fast-moving, non-venomous snake found in Central America and parts of Mexico. It is named for its preferred diet of...
Unlocking Success: How Great Opportunities Often Disguise Themselves in Impossible Situations
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom Life has a way of presenting challenges that, at first glance, seem insurmountable. However, what if we told you that behind every seemingly impossible...
The emptiness inside me
An emptiness inside me that won't go away Years and years of desires Looking over the horizon as far as these eyes can see Feeling like the old man on the outside Hiding the little boy in the inside...
Belize Part 35 (July 15 to 20)
July 15 Life in the jungle: I slept in as planned. Today I made two trips to the village. The first one to pick up my cans of paint that I had left at Verna Mae’s the other week and the second...
Belize Part 34 (July 10 to 14)
July 10 Life in the jungle: I ended up sleeping in from a late-night last night. I started my day at the ponds to plant papaya seeds. Twice I dropped the container of seeds. TWICE! I couldn't...
Mastering Your Mornings: Streamlining Decisions for a Productive Day
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In the fast-paced world we live in, every decision we make can have a significant impact on our productivity. The choices we face in the morning can...
Perception Unveiled: Understanding ‘We Don’t See Things as They Are, We See Them as We Are’
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In the complex tapestry of human experience, our perception plays a pivotal role in shaping the way we interpret the world around us. The insightful...
Embark on Timeless Living: Start Living Eternity Today
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In a world that moves at a rapid pace, the quest for a meaningful and timeless existence becomes increasingly vital. "Start Living Eternity Today" is...
Belize Part 33 (July 3 to 9)
July 3 Life in the jungle: It's Sunday so it wasn't my most productive day. With a late start to my day, I retrieved some more 1/2" PVC pipe that had previously been laid and buried out towards the...
Titan Beetle
Wikipedia page - I only ever found of these guys. Click on image to enlarge More Belizean Creatures Pepper Tree Frog...
Belize Part 32 (June 27 to July 2)
Of note, last week I finally started building my greenhouse. June 27 Life in the jungle: I had a much better sleep last night. Orlando and Joseph showed up this morning. No concrete work today. ...
Belize Part 31 (June 21 to 26)
June 21 Life in the jungle: I slept okay last night but at 6 AM I woke up with a horrible cough. So bad I got up and took a walk around the yard and went back to my hammock and fell asleep until 11...
Unlocking Success: Discover Your Strengths and Leverage Them
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In the pursuit of personal and professional success, understanding and harnessing your strengths can be a game-changer. "What are your strengths, and...
Belize Part 30 (June 13 to 20)
June 13 Life in the jungle: It rained all morning. My allergies were at their worst and my cough was bad. It took some Jack ass bitters that I had picked last week. Last week Verna Mae showed me...
Embracing Authenticity: The Power to Eliminate Who You Are Not
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In a world that constantly bombards us with expectations and societal norms, it's easy to lose sight of our true selves. The journey to self-discovery...
My confession
I fall to my knees I look away in shame I bury my face in my dirty hands Darkness rolls in The rain drops begin to splatter upon the earth Lightning streaks across the sky I confess, I confess, I...
Belize Part 29 (June 2 to 12)
June 2 Life in the jungle: It rained and thundered hard last night with a power outage. Because I couldn't run a fan during the power outage, I spent the first part of the night in my hammock....
Royal Palm
Wikipedia Page - Royal Palms are common in the area and on the farm. I have a local harvest the bark/outer skin of the tree to use for natural and...
Nourishing the Soul: The Transformative Power of Reading 100 Pages of Fiction a Day
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In the hustle and bustle of our fast-paced lives, carving out time for leisurely activities like reading might seem like a luxury. However, there's a...
Now That You’ve Said That Out Loud, How Does It Make You Feel?
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In the ever-evolving landscape of self-discovery and personal development, there is a simple yet profound question that has the potential to unlock...
Central American Wood Turtle
Central American Wood turtle - Rhinoclemmys areolata Wikipedia page - Locally know as Black-bellied turtle. Reasonably common at certain times of...
Belize Part 28 (May 28 to June 1)
May 28 Life in the jungle: It must have rained most of the night and into the morning. The road is drenched and it was a wet bike ride to the bus in the rain. I bussed it to Belize City and then...
Belize Part 27 (May 22 to 27)
May 22 Life in the jungle: I was expecting to wake up to heavy rain. It never came. I woke up and went down to my hammock and ended up sleeping until 10 AM. My day was spent completing my...
Wikipedia Page - More Belizean Creatures Green-headed Tree Snake Passion Flower
Cry of the heart
I lie in the darkness Memories drift through the fog of this life A single tear rolls down my cheek In a moment, my eyes are wet with regret Where did it go wrong And where did it go right So many...
Red Eye Tree Frog
Red Eye Tree Frog - Agalychnis callidryas Wikipedia page - This the first and only (juvenile) Red Eye tree frog that I have ever found on my farm...
Shifting Tides The problem is not the problem; the problem is your attitude about the problem
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In the grand tapestry of life, challenges are inevitable; they come in various shapes and sizes, demanding our attention and resilience. Yet, the...
Belize Part 26 (May 17 to 21)
May 17 Life in the jungle: Because of how I felt last night before bed I didn't set my alarm. While I don't feel sick my allergies are really bad and it feels like I have a cold when I sneeze but I...
The Power of Decisions: What Outcomes to Hope for When You Finally Decide
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom Life is a series of choices, and at every juncture, we are faced with decisions. From the seemingly trivial ones like what to have for breakfast to...
At some point in early 2016 I thought about the word “happiness”. Happiness has never really been part of my vocabulary. It was a word that makes me feel rather uncomfortable. I don’t want to say...
Always alone Always have been alone In a crowd, I am even more alone Will always be alone Die alone Written December 10, 2022 I don't trust you I still feel empty
Belize Part 25 (May 7 to 16)
May 7 Life in the jungle: I started my morning chopping in coconut field. It was a very hot morning and even a hotter day with no breeze. I then took a walk out to the ponds. I haven't been there...
Belize Part 24 (April 30 to May 6)
April 30 Life in the jungle: Because of my late-night last night I turned off my alarm. Nery called and woke me up at 6:45 AM this morning from my driveway. Usually, he showed up closer to 9 AM on...
23 Days with no power
In 2010 Hurricane Richard a Category 1 hurricane hit on October 25th. There was tremendous yard damage due to fallen trees. I was without power for one week. Truthfully all I remember is that it...
Stop It Already: Why Cowards Hide Behind Rules and How to Rise Above
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In the complex landscape of human interactions and decision-making, some individuals resort to hiding behind rules as a shield for their insecurities...
Don’t remind me of what can never be
I don't want to feel your skin I don't want to taste your lips I don't want you inside my head Better to live with the emptiness Better for the heart to ache Better to just go away We both know I...
Mastering Discipline: Why the Price of Regret Far Exceeds the Price of Discipline
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In the pursuit of our goals and dreams, the choices we make play a pivotal role in shaping our future. When it comes to discipline versus regret, the...
Red-bordered Stink Bug
Red-bordered Stink bug (Edessa rufomarginata) Wikipedia - Stink bugs Wikipedia - I have only found one...
Belize Part 23 (April 24 to 29)
April 24 Life in the jungle: I had a dream last night and a girl from my teenage social circle made a very brief appearance. That inspired a quick morning poem called l should have told you. From...
One Full Year in Belize and 2022 in Review
I crossed into Belize on November 23rd, 2021 and I arrived at my home on November 25th, 2021 after spending just over two years biking just over 26,000 km’s to get here. The original plan was to...