My Environmental Manifesto

My Environmental Manifesto

If we claim to be serious about the environment doesn’t a personal environmental manifesto make sense? Are the poles melting? Is climate change natural or man-made? Actually we need to perhaps be more accurate and call it what it is — global warming not climate...
Life as a truck driver

Life as a truck driver

While you sleep I am driving, while you are eating I am driving and while you spend time with loved ones I am driving. That is what I tell people.  Probably the easiest and simplest way to describe driving a truck and virtually nobody gets it or understands it.  You...
Bored? Go fix the planet

Bored? Go fix the planet

Such a simple idea that most of us have missed our entire lives.  How did I miss this idea my whole life?  How many stages of our lives are filled with boredom?  How many people are bored their whole lives?  And there is so much work to do.  Our planet is completely...

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