I have left Mexico City and have just entered the State of Puebla and today I enter the city of Puebla

October 25
Km’s Pedalled – 57 km’s

Destination – Puebla City

Some Notes – I slept a million times better last night.  On my way to Puebla City, I was able to visit:

  • Iglesia de las Ánimas
  • Iglesia De Guadalupe
  • Parroquia de San Diego
  • Iglesia de Huejotzingo
  • Parroquia Santa María
  • La Luz Del Mundo
  • Parroquia de San Pedro
  • Convento de San Gabriel Arcángel
  • Capilla Real de Naturales
  • Capilla de la Tercera Orden
  • Iglesia de San Miguel Tianguisnahuac
  • Santuario de la Virgen de los Remedios
  • Iglesia del Santo Entierro o Santo Sepulcro

Iglesia de las Ánimas

Iglesia De Guadalupe

Iglesia de Huejotzingo

Parroquia Santa María

La Luz Del Mundo

Parroquia de San Pedro

Convento de San Gabriel Arcángel

Capilla de la Tercera Orden

Capilla Real de Naturales

Iglesia de San Miguel Tianguisnahuac

Iglesia del Santo Entierro o Santo Sepulcro

Santuario de la Virgen de los Remedios

Views from Santuario de la Virgen de los Remedios

Getting into Puebla City, I was able to visit:

  • Templo Inmaculado Corazón de María
  • Templo de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
  • Parroquia de San Marcos Evangelista
  • Iglesia Metodista de México
  • Iglesia de la Santisima Trinidad

Templo de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe

Parroquia de San Marcos Evangelista

Iglesia Metodista de México

The weather was perfect and it was a good day overall.  I am checked into the Posado Vee Vuu Hostel. The place is clean and quiet but I don’t like it compared to the hostel I stayed in Mexico City.  The hostel in Mexico City was vary busy and noisy but here it is very cramped with no privacy.

This evening I have decided to change my Mexican route.  I have realized that my 180 day tourist VISA will expire if I head to Oaxaca.  Going south to Oaxaca would dramatically increase my time in Mexico because it is very mountainous not to mention there would be so much to explore.  I have decided to head towards Veracruz and the Gulf of Mexico.  My VISA expires on December 6.  By heading on a more direct route to Chetumal I believe I have just enough time on my VISA.

My plan would be to reach my home on or by December 19 as just this afternoon I received an Airbnb reservation to rent my home from December 21 to 24.  This would give me a day to get organized before my guests arrive.  I don’t know if changing my Mexican route at this point will result in a bike ride regret or not?

[Admittedly there is a way around my situation that would have me go into Guatemala.  I could bike 140 km’s into Guatemala for the night and re-enter Mexico by biking 140 km’s back to the main highway.]

A new more direct route verses heading south to Oaxaca and then Chiapas

My plan would be to reach my home on December 19 as just this afternoon I received an Airbnb reservation to rent my home from December 21 to 24.  This would give me a day to get organized before my guests arrive.  I don’t know if changing my Mexican route at this point will result in a bike ride regret or not?

October 26
Km’s Pedalled – 26 km’s

Some Notes – I started my morning editing photos.  When I got hungry for lunch, I left the hostel to find as many cathedrals as possible. I found the 25 following churches:

  • Templo de San Cristóbal
  • Templo del Ex-Hospital de San Roque
  • Parroquia del Santo Ángel Custodio de Analco
  • Ex-convento de San Francisco de Puebla
  • Capilla de Dolores
  • Templo de la Compañía de Jesús
  • Templo del Ex-Hospital de San Pedro
  • Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Luz
  • Ecce Homo
  • Parroquia de la Santa Cruz
  • Capilla De La Veronica
  • Capilla Del Cireneo
  • San Juan de Letrán – El Hospitalito
  • Parroquia del Sagrario Metropolitano
  • Nuestra Señora de los Gozos
  • Iglesia de San Agustín
  • Iglesia Metodista de México, Templo Emmanuel
  • Templo del Antiguo Hospital de Nuestra Señora de Belén
  • Templo Virgen de los Dolores
  • Santuario de Nuestra Señora de la Merced
  • Templo de San Juan de Dios
  • Templo de Santa Rosa de Lima
  • Parroquia de Nuestro Senor San Jose
  • Cathedral de Puebla
  • Capilla del Rosario

Capilla de Dolores

Capilla Del Cireneo

Ex-convento de San Francisco de Puebla

Nuestra Señora de los Gozos

Parroquia de la Santa Cruz

Parroquia de Nuestro Senor San Jose

Parroquia del Sagrario Metropolitano

Parroquia del Santo Ángel Custodio de Analco

San Juan de Letrán – El Hospitalito

Santuario de Nuestra Señora de la Merced

Templo de la Compañía de Jesús

Templo de San Cristóbal

Templo de Santa Rosa de Lima

Templo del Antiguo Hospital de Nuestra Señora de Belén

Templo Virgen de los Dolores

I suspect that this is record number of cathedrals and churches in one city in one day.  I think Puebla would be considered a second favorite city behind Guanajuato.  I edited photos all evening.

October 27
Some Notes – I started my day editing and finishing all my remainder photos.  When I took a lunch, I visited the following churches:

  • La Inmaculada Concepción
  • Templo de San Joaquín y Santa Ana
  • Apostoles de la Palabra
  • Templo Conventual de Nuestra Señora del Carmen

The Immaculate Conception

Templo de San Joaquín y Santa Ana

Apostoles de la Palabra

This evening I posted my Mexico City Part 2 blog post and got about 90% of this blog posted.

Mexico City Part 2 (Oct 20 to 24)

Mexico City (Oct 14 to 19)

Photos of Puebla’s main cathedral – Cathedral de Puebla




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