The Day The Inevitable Happens; I Quit My Job
I had a really cool career once. I successfully turned my hobby of keeping reptiles and amphibians as pets into a business and a fairly successful business at that. But I had a nagging question...
Your nuts! That can’t be done!
I think it goes without saying that there are inherent risks for sure. But as I write this post I am still employed and do one of the more dangerous jobs in North America. An average of 100 police...
Three Years of your Life!
That's right; I plan to cycle and live on the road looking for a new place to sleep virtually every night for the next three years of my life. That can be a difficult concept/reality to overcome. ...
How I Plan To Be Successful
Determination, self-sacrifice and daily lifestyle choices. For much of my life these three choices have overtaken much of my life and lifestyle. Even with dead ends, u-turns and scenic routes...