September 6
Km’s Pedalled – 71.5 km’s

Destination – Fresnillo

Some Notes – This morning I received an email from Belize.  Let’s just say that it’s not good and my bike ride may very well be in jeopardy.

A friend of Victor named Martin called me this morning and invited me to breakfast.  We went to the same restaurant Victor took me to yesterday.  The chicken was so good.

With Martin at breakfast

The weather was perfect again today and after 30 km’s on the road I crossed the line of Tropic of Cancer.  I biked into Fresnillo not sure what to expect.  There was mention that the mountain bike group would be notified of my arrival but nothing was confirmed.  I pushed pretty quickly through my day. Fresnillo has the reputation of being the most dangerous city in Mexico.  While I have no concerns about being here, wisdom dictates not to arrive there in the dark.

The Tropic of Cancer

I biked towards the main centre in town.  I first visited Sagrado Corazón church and then I made my way to Church of Our Lady of Purification.  I was able to take photos inside of the Church of Our Lady of Purification.  Upon leaving the church there was a young guy named Horacio sitting on a bench right across from the church entrance.  In limited English he said that he was friends with Roman, Juan and Areli the people that I met, hosted me and biked out Sombrerete with me.

Sagrado Corazón church

Church of Our Lady of Purification

Horacio made a call to the mayor of Fresnillo. (Apparently, he knows him).  Anyways the mayor sent Víctor René García Magallanes the fire chief to meet me who then made arrangements for me to stay at fire station.   After arriving at the fire station Victor’s wife arrived with a super for me.

Horacio was just sitting there when he recognized me

Horacio has decided to take tomorrow off work and is taking me to Plateros to visit a famous church there.

September 7
Some Notes – Last night was kind of noisy night.  A bunch of fire fighters that stay up all night.  It was an early morning this morning meeting Horacio at 8 am.  We walked 6 km’s to Plateros to visit Santo Niño de Atocha – the holy infant of Atocha.

Santo Niño de Atocha – the holy infant of Atocha.

Later in the morning Victor showed up along with the Minister of Tourism – Eduardo Artemio Ramírez Bolaños.  From there we would head back into town in an ambulance thanks to Victor.  Which would then lead to lunch with the minister of Tourism and his assistants.  Which would lead to a tour around town and then being left with just Horacio to continue my tour of the city until Horacio eventually had to leave.

With the fire chief and ministry of tourism and his entourage

A ride in an ambulance

This afternoon I visited Sagrado Corazón, Mothers Garden, Templo Expiatorio de Nuestra Señora de Tránsito, Antiguo Templo de Santa Anita, Teatro Echeverria and a monument that is considered the center of the country of Mexico.

Templo Expiatorio de Nuestra Senora de Transito

Antiguo Templo de Santa Anita

Teatro Echeverria

The center of the country of Mexico

This evening just as I was about to leave for dinner, I was interviewed by NTR newspaper.  Later in the evening I was able to get most of my photos edited.

Having ice cream in the most dangerous city in Mexico

September 8
Km’s Pedalled – 70.5 km’s

Destination – Zacatecas

Some Notes – I slept much better last night.  But for some reason a fire fighter felt he was required to wake me up when I really wasn’t in a rush to wake up.  But maybe I should have been.  I snapped one of the crank bolts this morning and had to go to a nearby bike shop.  The bike shop couldn’t help me because the inside threads for the other bolt is stripped.  But they did find me a host in Zacatecas.

From the bike shop I headed back to the fire station because the department wanted to escort me out of town.  And then I met a blind firefighter.  That I was not expecting.  The fire department ended up escorting me about 10 km’s out of town.

Photo with Victor and some of the department

My escort out of town

I met my host Patty about 10 km’s from Zacatecas.  Zacatecas is very hilly.  I climbed one of my steepest hills in Mexico tonight.  I have a downstairs apartment all to myself.  Approaching her place one of her dogs came at me and bit my front pannier.  But he seems to like me now.

Parroquia De San Isidro Labrador – General Enrique Estrada

Parroquia de Nuestro Senor del Consuelo – Víctor Rosales

The ride to Zacatecas was largely uneventful.  The day was nice but a bit overcast. The afternoon and evening temperatures are a bit cooler than I like.  I was able to get all my photos edited and into Dropbox this evening.

September 9
Some Notes – I started my morning with a Road Show with Brandon.  I then biked into Guadalupe to a bike shop I was recommended to visit for them to look at my bike.  They didn’t have a proper sized replacement crank.  I need a 48 tooth ring and they only had a 42.  From there I went to a bike shop I found on Google with lots of reviews called Factor 120.

Parroquia de los Sagrados Corazones -Guadalupe

They didn’t have the right sized crank but they could order the right size.  They also discovered that I needed two new crank axle bearings.  Thankfully my host arrived to help with translation. For some reason even with google translate I couldn’t get a straight answer out the guy who seemed to be in charge.  Because they need my bike for a bit, I got to take a ride on the back of Patty’s motorcycle.

This afternoon I finished my research what I would like to visit in Zacatecas and Guadalupe and Aguascalientes when I arrive there.  This evening I posted blog post Zacatecas State Part 1.

September 10
Km’s Pedalled – 29.5 km’s

Some Notes – My morning started out with a motorcycle ride to the bike shop and a $3000 pesos (or $150 USD) bike repair bill.  From the bike shop I headed to downtown Zacatecas to start exploring that city.  I randomly met Carlos and Cynthia Rocha.  Carlos and Cynthia were the owners of Rocha bike shop in Fresnillo.  They were the people that helped find my current host here in Zacatecas.  How crazy to cross paths in the city.  I had actually never met Carlos.  Carlos with the English translator on the phone between me and his wife.

With my host Patty

With Carlos and Cynthia Rocha of Rocha Bike Shop of Fresnillo

Exploring Zacatecas I visited the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Notaría de la Parroquia de Santo Domingo, Templo de San Agustín, San Juan de Dios Church, Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Fátima and the Cathedral Basílica de Zacatecas.

Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Notaría de la Parroquia de Santo Domingo

Templo de San Agustín

San Juan de Dios Church

Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Fátima

While visiting the Cathedral Basílica de Zacatecas for the second time today I was recognized by Elton Guillen.  (I came back to see if I could get better interior photos from the different position of the sun shining into the stained glass windows).

Cathedral Basilica de Zacatecas

Elton had biked through Vicente Guerrero and Ariel had told him to look out for me.  When was the last time a Canadian was randomly recognized in Zacatecas City twice in one day?  After parting ways with Elton, I had the best pizza in Mexico at De Abajo restaurant and bar thanks to Martin (from San Alto) connecting with the owner Eduardo.

With Elton Guillen

I worked on photo editing until 1am.  This is also my 250th recorded blog post at average of 1,000 words each.  Yes 250,000 typed words.

The State of Zacatecas – Part 1 (Sept 1 to 5)

Durango Mexico – Part 3 (Aug 25 to 31)

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