Belize Part 108 (Jan 7 to 17)

Belize Part 108 (Jan 7 to 17)

January 7 Life in the jungle: Today is my day off and I posted Belize blog Part 54, 55, 56, 57, and 58 and my poem, There is an Ocean Inside My Head to my website.  I feel like I should spend my Sundays reading.  That’s what I used to do when I was convicted of taking...
Belize Part 107 (Dec 30 to Jan 6)

Belize Part 107 (Dec 30 to Jan 6)

December 30 Life in the jungle: It rained all night and this morning was the coldest temperature in two years (16C/61F).  And everything is very muddy.  This morning I tried uploading videos to a social media scheduling platform again but the upload speeds were too...
Belize Part 106 (Dec 20 to 29)

Belize Part 106 (Dec 20 to 29)

On December 19th 3 guests from Poland arrived and Andy moved into his new apartment (greenhouse).  The guest’s names are Bob and Marlena and Marlena’s father Hendrik. December 20 Life in the jungle: I started my morning in the coconut field.  It’s been a...
Belize Part 105 (Dec 14 to 19)

Belize Part 105 (Dec 14 to 19)

December 14 Life in the jungle: I didn’t even know so many things could go wrong in a day.  Last night I discovered that I had let my utility water vat run dry.  I ran the river pump for about 30 minutes.  That is more than enough time to fill the vat.  But...
Belize Part 104 (Dec 4 to 13)

Belize Part 104 (Dec 4 to 13)

December 4 Life in the jungle: First thing I went up to the village for groceries.  I posted Unlocking True Wisdom: The Power of Following Your Own Advice to Substack, Medium, LinkedIn, and my website.  I then spent the rest of the afternoon continuing an SEO (search...

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