by Arie Hoogerbrugge | May 1, 2023 | My Blog, Personal Reflection
Written for Arie Hoogerbrugge by Sophia Wisdom In a world driven by expectations, the choice between over-providing and under-providing is a critical one, with far-reaching implications. This post explores the transformative impact of going above and beyond, the...
by Arie Hoogerbrugge | Jan 29, 2023 | My Blog, Personal Reflection
When I first heard about this exercise, I thought that there might be some important insight I could glean from “my older self”. But when I took a moment to consider the answer. To consider where I might be someday in the future. To consider where an older, wiser...
by Arie Hoogerbrugge | Jan 5, 2023 | Life in Belize, My Blog, Personal Reflection
Bear with me as I fumble through this new dream and goal of mine. Most people when they look at their bed, they see a bed. I actually don’t sleep in a bed. I sleep in a hammock. But that is beside the point. For me when I look at my hammock the first thing that...
by Arie Hoogerbrugge | Dec 31, 2022 | Media, Personal Reflection
When it all made sense is sort of a goofy title for this blog post because in many ways I don’t know if my life has made any sense to me. Every day of my public school and high school life I was bullied. I did not know how to be around kids my age. No friend ever...
by Arie Hoogerbrugge | Nov 26, 2022 | My Blog, Personal Reflection
This morning was a rough morning. I attempted to write out what going on inside my head. I am paralyzed by indecision not so much by fear but from lack of purpose, passion and conviction. There is a fog over me and my entire life as far as the eyes can see. I never...
by Arie Hoogerbrugge | Oct 17, 2022 | My Blog, Personal Reflection
I don’t know what this post is going to look like. I am going to “follow the wild goose” which is a term I heard about a long time ago referring to a term the ancient Celts had for the Holy Spirit. So, I am actually not sure if I am using “follow the wild goose” as...