Belize Part 100 (Nov 2 to 10)

Belize Part 100 (Nov 2 to 10)

November 2 Life in the jungle: I spent the first part of the day rewriting and updating an older bike touring blog post called How to document your bike tour or adventure.  Last week I decided to create an online coaching course.  Today I also continued researching...
Belize Part 99 (Oct 24 to Nov 1)

Belize Part 99 (Oct 24 to Nov 1)

October 24 Life in the jungle: I spent the day in front of my computer.  I started by watching some YouTube videos on TikTok.  And then ended up on some video chats with my website developer and his new assistant discussing website upgrades and fleshing out some ideas...
Belize Part 98 (Oct 19 to 23)

Belize Part 98 (Oct 19 to 23)

October 19 Life in the jungle: My allergies were fine today (last week they were bad).  The weather continues to be nice (not too hot).  I am trying a young guy out from the village to do property maintenance (chopping at the ponds and in the coconut field).  Of...
Belize Part 97 (Oct 4 to 18)

Belize Part 97 (Oct 4 to 18)

October 4 Life in the jungle: The greenhouse floor is officially and finally finished.  I started mixing cement and making patio stones in the first week of May.  It only took me 6 months to complete.  After everything was cleaned up, I started putting a floor in the...
Belize Part 96 (Sept 25 to Oct 3)

Belize Part 96 (Sept 25 to Oct 3)

Last week I started I started laying my greenhouse floor. September 25 Life in the jungle: I started my morning headed to the village for groceries.  After a late breakfast, I headed to the ponds to inspect and plant any seedlings that were needed.  The moon is...

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