Belize Part 120 (May 8 to 17)

Belize Part 120 (May 8 to 17)

At some point, somehow, I lost/deleted my Belize blog Part 119 (April 27 to May 7).  Based on some photos in my photo collection all I know about that I installed an exterior wall in Andy’s bike shed and I received my first 10 baby ducklings from Joseph across the...
Belize Part 118 (April 19 to 26)

Belize Part 118 (April 19 to 26)

April 19 Life in the jungle: This morning I was informed that guests of Andy on motorcycles were ahead of their schedule and now showing up tomorrow.  That put me into house-cleaning mode. This morning a bulldozer came down the road for the guy who owns land on the...
Belize Part 117 (April 10 to 18)

Belize Part 117 (April 10 to 18)

April 10 Life in the jungle: The morning was filled with assorted small jobs.  Before breakfast, I headed to the village to pay for yesterday’s delivery of building materials and to pick up 100 ft of PVC pipe to be used as an electrical conduit.  I want to bring...
Belize Part 115 (March 15 to 29)

Belize Part 115 (March 15 to 29)

March 15 Life in the jungle: First thing I made patio stones and framed a form to make a ramp into Andy’s new dirt bike lean-to.  I had to go to the village to pick up four broiler chicks.  I (we) are going to start raising broiler chickens again.  I feel somehow, I...
Belize Part 114 (March 3 to 14)

Belize Part 114 (March 3 to 14)

March 3 Life in the jungle: Even though this is my day off I started my morning digging my septic trench.  I need my mornings to myself.  Jamie from across the river now comes over Saturdays and spends the night and now Andy has his friend visiting from Canada.  After...

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