Determination, self-sacrifice and daily lifestyle choices.  For much of my life these three choices have overtaken much of my life and lifestyle.  Even with dead ends, u-turns and scenic routes these past eight years  I have held on with stubborn determination this dream and goal of cycling 55,000 km’s across Canada during a Canadian winter and from the Canadian Arctic to the bottom of Argentina.  And this dream is very close to starting.

The goal, the plan, the dream needs to be so big and beyond ones capabilities to build the excitement and energy needed to make it to the end.  Adventure, risk and a little bit (or a lot) of danger mixed in is needed to get the blood pumping.  Small goals rarely give reason for one to get out of bed in the morning.

Every day I think, breath, and sleep on making my dream a reality.  I think what gives me the most confidence of success “so close I can taste it” is self-sacrifice and daily lifestyle choices.  For me this means living well below my means, living in the uglier part of town, giving up small luxuries and giving up big luxuries.  When it is minus 20 degrees outside at 6:30am on a Sunday morning and I’ve been waiting for the bus for close to an hour; I can taste success or maybe I have just gone delusional.

Be prepared to expand on your strengths or turn past weaknesses into strengths.  Success means looking outside my comfort zone, networking and looking at opportunities others may bring my way.  Greater things happen when other become involved but always be prepared to go it alone.

Success is not at the expense of other that need your help along the way.  You are on a life journey and along that journey others will cross your path and people close to you may need your help either financially or your time.  I truly believe God will not bless your goals if your focus overlooks others on the same path of life.  Their paths are different and perhaps revolve around simpler things, such as simply getting through their day or making next month’s rent; either way God placed them across your path.  Never be so determined at the expense of someone else’s needs or by its very definition your dream will be empty and likely pointless.

If I had to provide words of advice or wisdom to someone who has never or forgot how to dream I would tell them never dream of wealth or material gain; life is far too short.  Dream and pray for a life of service, personal growth, experiential life changing experiences and what your legacy may be.

Success is always within reach, but rarely goes as planned and rarely the way we expect it to.

Further reflection on success?


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