Belize - Flora & Fauna

Belize’s Amphibians: An Essential Guide

Belize’s Amphibians: An Essential Guide

Belize is a tropical paradise, not only for its stunning landscapes but also for its incredible biodiversity. Among its many natural treasures are 33 unique species of frogs, tree frogs,...

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Narrow-bridged Musk Turtle

Narrow-bridged Musk Turtle

Narrow-bridged Musk Turtle - Claudius angustatus Locally known as Toe-biter. The smallest musk/mud turtle found in Belize. To be honest I don't see these guys often, but I found my first one in...

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Morelet’s Crocodile

Morelet’s Crocodile

Wikipedia Page - Sometimes I see Morelet's crocs in my fish ponds. Years ago there was a pair of them that were always having babies. I think...

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Fer de Lance Snake

Fer de Lance Snake

Wikipedia Page - Latin Name - Bothrops asper Local Name - Tommygoff North, Central and South Americas most dangerous snake. I don't see too many adults...

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Dwarf Gecko

Dwarf Gecko

Wikipedia page - Latin Name - Sphaerodactylus glaucus I find these guys with regularity inside the house. More Belizean Creatures Meso-American...

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Two-spotted Snake

Two-spotted Snake

Two-spotted Snake - Coniophanes bipunctatus Local name - Garden snake I doubt these snakes are rare but this is the first one I have found. More Belizean Creatures Meso-American Slider Turtle...

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Meso-American Slider Turtle

Meso-American Slider Turtle

Wikipedia Page - The same Family and Genus as the common pet turtle, the Red Ear Slider. Meso-American sliders are fairly common in any permanent...

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Red-cheeked Mud Turtle

Red-cheeked Mud Turtle

Wikipedia Page - Also known as Scorpion Mud turtles (Kinosternon scorpioides). Locally known as Swanka These turtles are by far the most common...

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Collard Aracari

Collard Aracari

Wikipedia Page - It can be a real hit and miss how often these birds visit the farm. In 2024 we had a flock of them visit the tree behind the house for...

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Central American Cribo or Indigo Snake

Central American Cribo or Indigo Snake

Wikipedia Page - Latin Name - Drymarchon corais Local Name - Black-tail Black-tails are the most common snake found around the farm and on...

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Stauffer’s Tree Frog

Stauffer’s Tree Frog

Stauffer's Tree Frog - Scinax staufferi Wikipedia Page - A very small tree frog common around the house and sometimes find their way into houses. More...

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Striped or Brown Basilisk

Striped or Brown Basilisk

Striped or Brown Basilisk - Basiliscus vittatus Wikipedia Page - Brown basilisks are probably the most common lizard to be found.  Babies are always...

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Huntsman Spider

Huntsman Spider

Wikipedia Page - More Belizean Creatures Boa Constrictor Red Eye Tree Frog  

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Lizard eater or Dryad snake

Lizard eater or Dryad snake

Lizard eater - Dryadophis melanolomus I don't think these guys are rare but I have only ever found one of them (in my basement). More Belizean Creatures...

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Titan Beetle

Titan Beetle

Wikipedia page - I only ever found of these guys. Click on image to enlarge More Belizean Creatures Pepper Tree Frog...

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Royal Palm

Royal Palm

Wikipedia Page - Royal Palms are common in the area and on the farm. I have a local harvest the bark/outer skin of the tree to use for natural and...

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Central American Wood Turtle

Central American Wood Turtle

Central American Wood turtle - Rhinoclemmys areolata Wikipedia page - Locally know as Black-bellied turtle. Reasonably common at certain times of...

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Wikipedia Page - More Belizean Creatures Green-headed Tree Snake Passion Flower

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Red Eye Tree Frog

Red Eye Tree Frog

Red Eye Tree Frog - Agalychnis callidryas Wikipedia page - This the first and only (juvenile) Red Eye tree frog that I have ever found on my farm...

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Tubroos Tree

Tubroos Tree

Tubroos or Guanacaste tree - Enterolobium cyclocarpum Wikipedia page - The Tubroos tree is one of my favorite trees. I have two very large ones...

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Catasetum integerrimum – orchid

Catasetum integerrimum – orchid

Wikipedia Page - Not exactly the prettiest orchid but it has unusual flowers. One of the more common orchids around the farm. Click on image to...

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Yellow Tree Frog

Yellow Tree Frog

Yellow Tree Frog - Hyla microcephala Wikipedia Page - A common tree frog found around the house and sometimes inside the house. Click on...

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Tailless Whip Scorpion

Tailless Whip Scorpion

Wikipedia page - Very common under my house. Completely 100% harmless. Click on images to enlarge [gallery...

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Green-headed Tree Snake

Green-headed Tree Snake

Green-headed Tree Snake or Mexican Green Tree Snake Wikipedia page - A reasonably common snake around the farm though sometimes hard to find likely...

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Mexican Burrowing Toad

Mexican Burrowing Toad

Mexican Burrowing Toad - Rhinophrynus dorsalis Wikipedia Page - These toads live most of their lives underground and basically can only be seen...

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Cane Toad

Cane Toad

Cane toad - Rhinella marina Wikipedia page - A common toad around the house.  Native to Belize this toad has been introduced all over the world with...

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White Lipped Mud Turtle

White Lipped Mud Turtle

White Lipped mud turtle - Kinosternon leucostomum Wikipedia page - I have ever only found 2 White Lipped mud turtles in all of my time in...

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Central American Bark Scorpion

Central American Bark Scorpion

Central American Bark Scorpion - Centruroides gracilis Wikipedia Page - These guys are fairly common underneath my house and I typically find one...

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Mexican Masked Tree Frog

Mexican Masked Tree Frog

Mexican Masked Tree Frog - Smilisca baudinii Wikipedia page - Mexican Masked tree frogs are easily the most common tree frog I find around...

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Breadfruit Tree

Breadfruit Tree

Wikipedia Page - I have a breadfruit tree in my front yard. The tree bark is quite beautiful. The "fruit" tastes like french fries when fried in the frying...

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Pepper Tree Frog

Pepper Tree Frog

Also known as the Pepper Tree Frog - Phrynopyas venulosa Wikipedia page - Probably the second most common tree frog found around the house. When...

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Speckled Racer Snake

Speckled Racer Snake

Speckled Racer - Drymobius margaritiferus Wikipedia page - Speckled Racer snakes are actually fairly common but generally difficult to catch,...

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Gulf Coast Toad

Gulf Coast Toad

Gulf Coast Toad - Bufo valliceps Wikipedia page - A very common toad around the farm Click on image to enlarge More...

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Gaudy Sphinx Caterpillar

Gaudy Sphinx Caterpillar

Gaudy Sphinx caterpillar - Eumorpha labruscae Wikipedia page - Click on image to enlarge. Photo of the moth is a random of the internet. [gallery...

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Red Earth Centipede Snake

Red Earth Centipede Snake

Red Earth Centipede Snake - Tantillita schistosa Wikipedia page - I never heard of this type of snake until I found this one. Click on image to enlarge...

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Lo Moth or Peacock Caterpillar

Lo Moth or Peacock Caterpillar

Lo Moth - Automeris io Wikipedia Page - All I know about this species is that is the stinging spines have a very painful venom. Thankfully I don't speak...

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Click Beetle

Click Beetle

Wikipedia Page - A fairly common beetle on the farm.  Locally known as cookeye, dry weather cricket or pine wally.   Other Belizean Creatures Mexican...

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Opsiphanes tamarindi Caterpillar

Opsiphanes tamarindi Caterpillar

Wikipedia page - I only have ever seen this caterpillar once that I know of. More Belizean Creatures Green-headed Tree Snake Pepper Tree Frog

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Boa Constrictor

Boa Constrictor

Wikipedia Page - Local Name - Wowla On previous trips to Belize I rarely came across Boa Constrictors. I now find them quite regularly.  I suggest...

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Yucatan Banded Gecko

Yucatan Banded Gecko

Wikipedia Page - I have only ever seen one of these under my house in my tool room. I suspect that they are not that rare but hard to find. I...

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Golden Shower Tree

Golden Shower Tree

Wikipedia Page - I first seen this tree all over Belmopan Click on image to enlarge More...

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Alope Sphinx Caterpillar

Alope Sphinx Caterpillar

Wikipedia Page - Click on image to enlarge More Belizean Creatures Yucatan Banded Gecko Boa...

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House Gecko

House Gecko

Wikipedia Page - An evasive species, they are found everywhere around my house and everyone's house. More Belizean Creatures Boa Constrictor Golden...

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Cashew Tree

Cashew Tree

Wikipedia Page - I have one cashew tree in my front yard that produces cashews. In 2022 I planted about 25 baby seedlings from that years harvest.  I like the...

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Dead Leaf Praying Mantis

Dead Leaf Praying Mantis

Wikipedia Page - I have only ever seen one of these.  It was super tiny small and very difficult to get good photos of. Click on image to enlarge...

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Red Coffee Snake

Red Coffee Snake

Red Coffee Snake - Ninia sebae Wikipedia page - Locally known as Bead and Coral. That being said any red banded snake such as the venomous coral snake has...

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Streaked Sphinx Moth

Streaked Sphinx Moth

Streaked Sphinx Moth - Protambulyx strigilis Wikipedia Page - Click on image to enlarge More Belizean...

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The Mahogany Tree of Belize

The Mahogany Tree of Belize

This is a blog post to help organize all my personal and online research notes of the Mahogany tree of Belize in one place. Disclosure: The purpose of this post is not about writing a post but...

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