Gen has been following my ride from the very beginning.  He kept bugging me when I was going to arrive in LA.  Funny thing was I originally had no plans to arrive bike in or to LA.  But after I saw how close he was following my ride of course I had to stop by.  I ended up sticking around 6 days.  We also did a day trip around much of LA.

I was so lucky to have my own downstairs apartment.  I stayed with Glen and Cathy for 6 days.

Glen’s original message November 19, 2019

Safe journey young man. I been riding for three years now and just recently did my first century (100 miles) ride. I’m 65-yrs and ride every day. My rides are primarily in Shanghai China or Los Angeles, California. When you pass through LA we can have you guest in our Whittier home. Good & safe journey! Glen


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